Sunday, October 09, 2011

October 3, 2011 TKGV Meeting Minutes

The TKGV president called the September 2011 meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. by welcoming our guests and extending birthday wishes to our members and guests celebrating their birthdays in October. Members and guests enjoyed the opportunity to meet with 2 other attendees they had not met previously.

The president gave each attendee a copy of the by-laws and explained the by-laws require a nominating committee to select the 2012 TKGV board candidates. Trink Dahl-Prince, Melanie Perez-Lopez and Sonja Barisic will compromise the TKGV nominating committee for selecting the candidates for the 2012 TKGV board. The nominating committee will report at the November TKGV meeting.

On motion of Rae Struebing, seconded, TKGV members approved offering 2 scholarships to current TKGV members to attend each of the 4 TKGV sponsored Sally Melville classes.

Rae Struebing accepted a friendly amendment from Debbie Henderson to the above motion; the treasurer will review the requests for scholarships and will limit scholarships to no more than 2 classes per applicant, based on the total number of scholarship requests.

We received the treasurer’s report. The general fund has a balance of $3884.98, and the charity fund has a balance of $458.66, with both balances calculated prior to the October meeting.

Debbie Henderson advised the guild she will set up a table and display at the Water Ways Heritage Festival at the Great Bridge Battlefields the weekend of October 8 (from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and October 9, 2011 (from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Guild members are invited to participate in the event. Please bring a portable chair. We will focus on knitting for charity. Debbie will have patterns and yarns. Please bring 16” # 8, 9 & 10 needles to work on hats. In addition, Debbie will raffle gifts to those members who attend the event.

The guild celebrated the guild’s 19th anniversary.

Trink Dahl-Prince reviewed the Sally Melville classes and solicited assistance for transporting Sally during the weekend of her visit.

Following the member show and tell of current projects, the Ways and Means Committee conducted the raffle. The items in the raffle were from The Knitting Corner.

There being no further business, the president adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m.

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