Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 3, 2011 TKGV Meeting Minutes

The president of TKGV called the January 2011 meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. The president extended birthday wishes to the members celebrating January birthdays and wished all a Happy New Year. The minutes of the December 2010 meeting were approved. The treasurer’s report was received.

Committee reports were received with the following updates:
Charity Knitting:
a.Debbie Henderson reported 16 TKGV members donated 193 knitted items to various charities in 2010. The following donated the most number of charity items: Margaret Faust, Wanda Gunnoe, Mel Hutchinson and Lee Werbin. All four charity knitters will receive checks in the amount of $25.00 a piece for their generous charity knitting in 2010.
b.Pat Link, from Hats for the Homeless, gave the history of the Hats for the Homeless charity, which started 3 years ago by using yarn ends to knit hats for charities serving the homeless. Now Hats for the Homeless has 70 knitters and crocheters who produced 466 hats for the homeless in 2010. Pat uses various internet lists to secure donated yarn. She then gives the yarn to volunteers to knit and crochet hats. Pat picks up the completed hats and gives the hats to various local charities serving the homeless. Pat brought bags of yarn for TKGV knitters. We can contact Pat at patriciaalink@yahoo.com.
c.In addition, Debbie advised Save the Children needs hats for children by the February, 2011 meeting; the local animal shelters need blankets for cats and dogs; St. Mary’s needs clothing items knit in washable acrylic yarns; and the Veteran’s Administration needs hats, scarves and lap blankets. The Knitting Corner collects blankets for the Linus Project.
d.Debbie will host a TKGV charity knit-in on Saturday, 02/26/11 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at her residence. We will have a potluck lunch. Please contact Debbie Henderson via email at hendersonjb@cox.net to confirm attendance.
Ways & Means Committee – offered raffle items from Coordinated Colors.

On motion of Rae Streubing, and seconded, the guild approved giving $25.00 checks to the TKGV members who donate the highest number of knitted charity items in 2011.

The president reviewed the Heifer Fund program and suggested we continue collecting money at the monthly meetings for the Heifer Fund and make a donation once we collect sufficient funds to purchase the Heifer Fund knitting basket.

We will receive an update on the possible Richmond Yarn Crawl and a possible North Carolina knitting weekend once the planning is completed.

The president reminded all members we will meet at the Westminster-Canterbury, Penthouse suite, starting at the February, 2011 meeting. We will not order catering for the meetings. We will have to move a few meetings (July and September) because of conflicts in using the room on holidays. Please watch the newsletter and website for date changes for July and September, 2011.

The president advised, after a brief discussion of the need to continue carrying liability insurance, the board will review the topic and report back to the guild.

The president reported the Knitting Guild of America will hold its annual convention in Greensboro, N.C. 09/21/11 – 09/25/11.

On motion of Debbie Henderson, and seconded, the guild approved not planning a bus trip to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May, 2011.

The president advised the February, 2011 program will be a workshop on correcting knitting mistakes.

The president thanked Kathy Brown for setting up a Facebook page for TKGV.

After the member show and tell, Sue Von Ohlsen, master knitter, treated the members to a delightful program of “What’s In My Closet”. Sue exhibited several clothing items, as well a number of beautiful knitted lace items.

The next meeting will take place on Monday, February 7, 2011 at the Westminster- Canterbury.

There being no further business to address, he meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Katie Gerwien

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